Saturday, November 11, 2017

November 2017 — Adjusting to Rustic Living and A Special New Addition to the Cara Creek Family

Thankfully things have settled back to normal since the fires. Although the blackened hills and valleys can be a stark reminder, the green grass popping up through the black soil is a symbol of the hope in moving forward. Thank you again to all of our friends and family who contributed to the Go Fund Me page. We’ve divided up the funds to support some of the victims who could use the financial support to help get them back on their feet after the devastation of the fires. As a thank you to each of you we'd like to offer a free and all inclusive stay at Cara Creek Eco Lodge once we're up and running!
As of November 1st, Rory and I moved out of our adorable cabin in Fiais, down to the site that will be known as Cara Creek Eco Lodge. We’re so grateful to have had a cozy and quaint little cabin to live in for the last several months while we settled into the area, but it was time to fully move our lives down to the site as progress picks up speed. 
Meanwhile in New York, Conor and Ariane welcomed the newest member of the Cara Creek Family into the world. Luca Bell made his debut on the 1st of November weighing in at a whole 8 pounds 14 ounces! To no surprise he’s a strong little guy like his mom and dad!! They’ve settled into a routine at home and are enjoying life with Luca. We can’t wait to meet him!
Living rustic has been great so far, despite the fact that it rained the first couple of days we were settled down there. We are currently sleeping in the tent pictured under lots and lots of layers of blankets. The warm sunny days make for clear and gorgeous starry nights; however, the clear sky also makes for crisper, colder air. 
We’re working on the upgrade and have nearly finished clearing an area to build a deck, which will have our large canvas tent with a wood burner inside of it. The deck will also have a covered in porch overlooking the river, a private eco toilet and a solid fuel water heated shower. We’ll test it out, but are thinking that it may be a great “glamping” accommodation, in which case we’ll build a few more “glamping" decks along the river. They'll have some pretty beautiful views!!

Sample of the view from the "glamping" deck

Before cleaning 

After cleaning
A thriving Oak now that Mimosa trees aren't shading it out :)
With the autumn days becoming ever so short we’ve really synced with nature — going to bed very early since the sun sets at about 5:30pm, and waking up with the sun at about 6am. It’s a schedule that’s conducive to getting lots of clearing and building work done, especially since it’s too cold in the mornings to do much else besides to get moving! 

The renovation of one of two of the ruins on site has begun and the stone masons worked so quickly that it’s walls are just about complete already after only 4 days of them being on site. 

Over the last couple of weeks we also said farewell to our red hot suzuki samurai, and traded it in for a much healthier pick up truck that will hopefully spend much less time at the mechanic! 

We have some more work exchange volunteers coming to stay and help out at Cara Creek next week. Meanwhile Gary is still staying with us and continues to be a major help! We were having some solar power issues this week and he cleared all the trees that could be obstructing. 
Like us on facebook and follow us on Instagram for more frequent updates. 
As always thanks for reading and following along with us on this adventure! :)

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